Tedhi puliya kursi road Lucknow(UP)

App Development

freelancer in lucknow

Global service

Web Coder India provide IT Services such as website desig, graphics design, software development, app development & digital marketing all over the world


Easy to integrate

We work in a very simple and professional manner, I have full support for providing good service to our clients and make our services user friendly so that it is very easy to do whatever the purpose is to get the service done

web coder india

Customer support

We are ready to help our clients 24 hours and use automation systems and our community system is always ready to answer all questions.

android app development freelancer

Android app Development

Our web coder India team also develop Android apps, In today's time, people live very little in the outside world, more and more people have connected to the internet today, most of them use Android mobile, we should make our products and service keeping Android in mind, such In Android App is a very big and necessary market for a business, to make Android app we have to use Java language and it is put on cloud to send it to internet, for this we need to buy space. That is, we make all kinds of apps, which we give permission to, our experts follow all the rules for making apps. If you want any kind of app then you can call us, we can work in very low quality with very good quality.

We are mainly making the app, our professional developer team makes the app very carefully, there is no mistake of any kind. We use all the rules of making apps, all the things that are needed to make an app, we add privacy and take full care of the terms and conditions. By the way, there are two types of apps static app and dynamic app

  • Web development with latest technology
  • Professional User Experince & Interface
  • Website & Mobile application design
  • Powerfull marketing strategies
Social Media Marketing
Web Development
Web Design
web coder india freelancer company in lucknow
web coder india freelancer

App development process

First of all, we talk to the client and understand the problem with them, according to that we plan to make the app our app to be our freelancer app developer. We have a very expert team with the help of Android Studio and using Java Language Professional After making the app, after testing it, after testing it, any loopholes in it are removed and made according to the client, then handed over to the client, meaning that the app is uploaded to the server of the store.

  • Planning
  • implimentation coding
  • Testing app
  • Deliver to client/ upload on app store