Web Coder India provide IT Services such as website desig, graphics design, software development, app development & digital marketing all over the world
We work in a very simple and professional manner, I have full support for providing good service to our clients and make our services user friendly so that it is very easy to do whatever the purpose is to get the service done
We are ready to help our clients 24 hours and use automation systems and our community system is always ready to answer all questions.
Marketing is very important to understand before knowing digital marketing, almost any business in this world is definitely one of the two things either product or service, now marketing is required to sell that product or service. Marketing means people. Make aware about your product or service, when people will know that thing will be sold only, there are many mediums of marketing too, through banners, posters, TV, radio and buses, shops, but these methods have become outdated today. Every person is connecting to the Internet, people are less on the road, Internet is very much on mobile, now marketing from the Internet is called digital marketing. Through social media and apps, we bring our banner posters and videos to the people. We spend a lot of work on this and there are many benefits in this as well, here we can see everything of people, like who are watching our eds, how many times they are watching, how much time they are watching, what search You are getting almost all the information of human being on social media. So a lot of work can be done to reach people's homes through digital marketing
Online or Digital marketing is a set of tools and Trick used for promoting products and services through the internet. Online marketing includes a wider range of marketing elements than traditional business marketing due to the extra channels and marketing mechanisms available on the Web. Online marketing can give more benefits such as: Fast Growth in Business Reduced expenses Elegant communications Better control Improved customer service Competitive advantage Online marketing is also known as internet marketing, web marketing, digital marketing and search engine marketing (SEM).
,Digital marketing is divided into four partsAs we said, digital marketing is divided into four parts.
SEO(Search Engine Optimization)
Search engine optimization only means that all the rules and regulations are in place for whatever data you are giving on your
website, it is very important to get the logo of your website, Google Or, whatever search engines are, they do not have any
data of their own. We the people who put data in their website or blog, the search engine only brings them to the search,
so many people give wrong information on their website. Google or other search engine companies all want us to show our customers
reliable things and show them in good quality. That is why it has made some rules for people who follow those rules,
their data is shown on the top Engine optimization is of two types, on-page SEO and off-page SEO, it is very important
to adopt both these methods to see your website on the top.
We offer online training for search engine optimization through zoom app or meet app, it saves a lot of time and money too, if we study it in an institute, then there is a fee of 30-60 thousand, whereas we take a small amount here teaches good and practical things in money, for this you can talk to us, call the number given, you will get all the information through the phone.
We provide all kinds on SEO and digital marketing solutions to increase your product or service sales. We provide cost effective services.
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of web data for purposes of under standing and optimizing web usage.
Keywords are the search terms that people into search engines. Your rankings are based on the relevance of your page to those keywords.
Email marketing is directly sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email. In its broadest sense, every email.
We offer online training for Social Media Optimization alsp through zoom app or meet app, it saves a lot of time and money too, if we study it in an institute, then there is a fee of 20-40 thousand, whereas we take a small amount here teaches good and practical things in money, for this you can talk to us, call the number given, you will get all the information through the phone.
SMM(Social Media Marketing) We use social media marketing very quickly and quickly to sell our products to services. Videos and photos are used to reach more people, we add ads, instead of which Facebook takes some money and Our post can bring a lot of likes comments, can generate leads, it is done for business or feet can also be used for personal things but it is paid service.