Web Coder India provide IT Services such as website desig, graphics design, software development, app development & digital marketing all over the world
We work in a very simple and professional manner, I have full support for providing good service to our clients and make our services user friendly so that it is very easy to do whatever the purpose is to get the service done
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There is a lot of difference between domain and hosting, as if we have to build our own house, for that, we have to first get land, land means a place, similarly in the internet world, it is necessary to have a place to show everything. Hosting is called, hosting is the place where all our data is kept, but just like when someone buys land, he registers on a name, similarly it is necessary to have a name on the Internet so that it can be identified. Whose item is stored in the place and whose address is it, then we can say that the name of that place is called the domain and the name is different and never the domain name of two people is the same.