Tedhi puliya kursi road Lucknow(UP)

Web Development

Global service

Web Coder India provide IT Services such as website desig, graphics design, software development, app development & digital marketing all over the world

Easy to integrate

We work in a very simple and professional manner, I have full support for providing good service to our clients and make our services user friendly so that it is very easy to do whatever the purpose is to get the service done

Customer support

We are ready to help our clients 24 hours and use automation systems and our community system is always ready to answer all questions.

Website development Freelancer's

WEB CODER INDIA Freelancer's is one of the best hardworking web design and development freelancer's team worked in Lucknow. We are a freelancer team of website designers and developers and digital marketing who do great quality work for very little website with very little money by exposing product insights to companies, we are the only freelancing company in Lucknow which is in business There is a logo. We work with utmost sincerity. Help, we help in creating websites, apps and also help other business of the company to grow. We provide business, corporate and start-up solutions to achieve our own custom website. We provide complete services for all your website needs. We have a highly experienced team of website designers and developers

Desigining Appearance

Before developing our web expert designer and developer prepare a map of it, then design it, then test it. Finaly our website is ready after that changes are made according to our customer and user's freebacks are taken. Lastly, we give a website to a client, yet all our clients are very happy with our work.

  • we provide amazing look and feel
  • Professional User Experince & Interface
  • Easy to understand user and client both
  • Fully responsive design

Website different forms

Static website
Dynamic Website
Wordpress Website
E-commerece website
staic website
dynamic website

Static website vs Dynamic Website

Static website
A static website is a website in which data information is put once, then it does not need to be changed every day after several months or years, it is changed in it, there is no registration form of any kind or any data from the user. It is taken only to make the company aware of its products and services, it is made to give information about such products, such websites are static websites. static website cost is less compare to dynamic, Static website contain some information such as about us, contact us, gallery section, documents and animation etc. there cann't be take any information by user .
Dynamic website
Dynamic websites are those websites in which the company keeps making changes every day, along with it they also collect information from the user, such as registration form or any other form can be. In this, the company sells its service or product, in which the user comes to buy something or to take some service. dynamic websites are high price compare to static website static website include some forms such as registration form login form and others and there will be take information by user. dynamic website communicate with database and web server

Static website vs Dynamic Website

Static website
A static website is a website in which data information is put once, then it does not need to be changed every day after several months or years, it is changed in it, there is no registration form of any kind or any data from the user. It is taken only to make the company aware of its products and services, it is made to give information about such products, such websites are static websites. static website cost is less compare to dynamic, Static website contain some information such as about us, contact us, gallery section, documents and animation etc. there cann't be take any information by user .
Dynamic website
Dynamic websites are those websites in which the company keeps making changes every day, along with it they also collect information from the user, such as registration form or any other form can be. In this, the company sells its service or product, in which the user comes to buy something or to take some service. dynamic websites are high price compare to static website static website include some forms such as registration form login form and others and there will be take information by user. dynamic website communicate with database and web server

  • Website & Mobile application design
  • Powerfull marketing strategies
  • Web development with latest technology
  • Professional User Experince & Interface
dynamic website

Wordpress Website

Wordpress website
WordPress is a content management system, in which any user who does not have much knowledge of coding, yet can easily create their own website and blog, can share their content on the Internet, for this WordPress app has to be installed in hosting. It is possible to manage your entire website by creating an account in it, the advantage is that WordPress gives a lot of things in advance, which saves a lot of time for the user, in a very working time, if the website is ready. According to your design, a little css should come, even if you are not technical, you can do it by creating your own simple website easily, but you must have a good knowledge of internet and computer, in WordPress we Both static and dynamic websites can be easily created.